We have become aware of a new scam in Florida that appears to be targeting new companies that register with the Secretary of State. The scam is in the form of a mailing that is requesting a payment of $54.47 in order to receive a certificate of status to complete the initial business filing. Please note that it is not necessary to receive a certificate of good standing/status to complete your business registration with the Secretary of State. The return envelope is addressed to a P.O. Box under the name “Florida Center of Corporations” which is not a part of the Secretary of State’s office. The correct state office is the Division of Corporations. Any mailings sent from the Florida Secretary of State’s office will have the state seal and direct contact information for the department. If you have received this notice, or have other questions, please contact RASi to make sure you are not receiving a fraudulent mailing.

Florida – Scam Targeting New Businesses
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